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Index of Piano Hymns
Click on hymn number to open video link.
Worship of the Father
1 Glory be to God the Father [Lyrics]
2 Glory, glory, glory [Lyrics]
3 Come, Thou Almighty King [Lyrics]
4 Father of heav'n, whose love profound [Lyrics]
5 God, our Father, we adore Thee! [Lyrics]
6 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty! [Lyrics]
7 Glory, glory to the Father! [Lyrics]
8 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow [Lyrics]
9 Glory be to God the Father [Lyrics]
10 O God, th'eternal Father, Thou (2nd tune) [Lyrics]
10 O God, th'eternal Father (Alt tune: 295) [Lyrics]
11 Thou, Father, who are Spirit true [Lyrics]
12 O God, Thou art the source of life (1st tune) [Lyrics]
12 O God, Thou art the source (2nd tune) [Lyrics]
13 Thou art love and Thou art light, Lord [Lyrics]
14 Immortal, invisible, God only wise [Lyrics]
15 O God, Thou art transcendent [Lyrics]
16 Our Father, as the evergreen [Lyrics]
17 My Father God, when on Thy vast creation [Lyrics]
18 How faithful and trustworthy too [Lyrics]
19 Great is Thy faithfulness [Lyrics]
20 God our Father, we adore Thee [Lyrics]
21 We praise Thee for Thy righteousness [Lyrics]
22 Holy Father, we adore Thee (1st tune) [Lyrics]
22 Holy Father, we adore Thee (2nd tune) [Lyrics]
23 In all Thy wisdom, Father God [Lyrics]
24 O God, in Christ all focused is [Lyrics]
25 Father, to us Thy mercy Thou hast shown [Lyrics]
26 God, we praise Thee for Thy mercy [Lyrics]
27 Come, let us all unite to sing [Lyrics]
28 The love of God is greater far [Lyrics]
29 What was it, blessed God [Lyrics]
30 What love Thou has bestowed on us [Lyrics]
31 All that we were- our sins (Alt tune: 177) [Lyrics]
32 We bow and worship, Father here [Lyrics]
33 Father, long before creation [Lyrics]
34 Father, 'twas Thy love that knew us [Lyrics]
36 We praise Thee glorious Father [Lyrics]
39 To God be the glory [Lyrics]
40 We praise Thee, O God [Lyrics]
41 We are never weary singing [Lyrics]
42 By Thee, O God, invited [Lyrics]
43 "Abba, Father," we approach Thee [Lyrics]
44 O Holy Father, who in tender love [Lyrics]
45 Abba, Father! we adore Thee [Lyrics]
45 Abba, Father! we adore Thee (Alt tune: 43) [Lyrics]
46 O gracious God, Thy pleasure [Lyrics]
47 Father, Thy name our souls would bless [Lyrics]
48 We bless Thee, God and Father [Lyrics]
48 We bless Thee, God and (Alt tune: 36) [Lyrics]
49 Gracious God, we worship Thee [Lyrics]
50 Father, Thy Son beloved leads our praise [Lyrics]
51 Our God and Father, we respond to Thee [Lyrics]
51 Our God and Father, we respond (Alt tune: 52) [Lyrics]
52 Father, to Thee a joyful song (As written) [Lyrics]
52 Father, to Thee a joyful song (With holds) [Lyrics]
53 Our God and Father, we respond anew [Lyrics]
53 Our God and Father, we (Alt tune: 50) [Lyrics]
54 O God and Father, we our praises bring [Lyrics]
54 O God and Father, we our (Alt tune: 50) [Lyrics]
55 O God our Father, we would come [Lyrics]
56 Dear Lord, Thou art the Word of God [Lyrics]
57 The image of the Father God [Lyrics]
Praise of the Lord
59 Thou art the everlasting Word [Lyrics]
60 Of the Father's love begotten [Lyrics]
61 O Lord, Thou art the Son of man [Lyrics]
62 Dear Lord Jesus, we adore Thee [Lyrics]
65 Jesus! that name we love [Lyrics]
66 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds [Lyrics]
67 The name of Jesus is so sweet [Lyrics]
68 Lord, Thy Name is called Jesus [Lyrics]
70 There is a name I love to hear [Lyrics]
73 Glorious, mighty Name of Jesus [Lyrics]
77 Lift that Name high! That glorious Name [Lyrics]
78 Gracious Lord, Thy name "I AM" is [Lyrics]
79 All praise to Him who reigns on high [Lyrics]
79 All praise to Him (With Hallelujah) [Lyrics]
81 O Lord, Thy being is of old [Lyrics]
82 Down from His glory [Lyrics]
84 Hark! the herald angels sing [Lyrics]
85 O come, all ye faithful [Lyrics]
86 Though Thou art God, most glorious high [Lyrics]
87 O Lord! When we the path retrace [Lyrics]
88 How beauteous were the marks divine [Lyrics]
93 Lord, we treasure with affection [Lyrics]
94 O Christ, what burdens bow'd Thy head! [Lyrics]
96 My song is love unknown [Lyrics]
101 When we survey the...cross (1st tune) [Lyrics]
101 When we survey the...cross (2nd tune) [Lyrics]
104 Alas! and did my Savior bleed? [Lyrics]
106 No blood, no altar now [Lyrics]
108 “Man of Sorrows,” what a name [Lyrics]
111 Jesus, the sinner's Friend [Lyrics]
112 How sweet is the story [Lyrics]
113 How pleasant is the sound of praise! [Lyrics]
114 Hail, Thou once despised Jesus! [Lyrics]
116 How wonderful redemption is [Lyrics]
117 Christ the Lord is ris'n indeed [Lyrics]
121 Thine be the glory, risen, conqu'ring Son [Lyrics]
123 Low in the grave He lay [Lyrics]
124 Praise Him! praise Him Christ is victor [Lyrics]
125 Hallelujah! sing to Jesus [Lyrics]
126 To Thee, dear Lord, O Christ of God [Lyrics]
127 Hark! Ten thousand voices crying [Lyrics]
128 Far above all is our Savior enthroned [Lyrics]
132 Lo! In heaven Jesus sitting [Lyrics]
133 Lord Jesus, Thou art Lord (Original) [Lyrics]
133 Lord Jesus, Thou art Lord (Alt tune:137) [Lyrics]
134 Glory, everlasting glory be to Christ [Lyrics]
137 All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! [Lyrics]
139 All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name! [Lyrics]
140 Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious [Lyrics]
141 Jesus, Thy head, once crowned with thorns [Lyrics]
142 Crown Him with many crowns [Lyrics]
144 Lord of glory, we adore Thee! [Lyrics]
146 Rejoice, the Lord is King [Lyrics]
147 Lord, Thou art God's anointed [Lyrics]
147 Lord, Thou art God's anointed (Alt tune: 15) [Lyrics]
148 Lord, the King of kings art Thou [Lyrics]
149 Hark! Ten thousand heav'nly voices [Lyrics]
150 Praise, praise ye the name of our Savior and God [Lyrics]
151 Sing we the King who is coming to reign [Lyrics]
152 O how deep and how (Original) [Lyrics]
152 O how deep and how (Alt tune: 114) [Lyrics]
153 O blessed Savior, is Thy love (Alt tune: 104) [Lyrics]
154 It passeth knowledge (Original tune) [Lyrics]
154 It passeth knowledge (New tune) [Lyrics]
156 I have a Friend, whose faithful love [Lyrics]
161 Praise the Savior, ye who know Him! [Lyrics]
162 With praise and thanksgiving [Lyrics]
163 O for a thousand tongues (1st tune) [Lyrics]
165 My song shall be of Jesus [Lyrics]
165 My song shall be of Jesus (Alt tune: 206) [Lyrics]
166 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King [Lyrics]
168 Now in a song of grateful praise [Lyrics]
169 Thou Lord to God art precious [Lyrics]
170 Lord, Thou art the lovely Bridegroom [Lyrics]
171 Lord Jesus Christ, our heart feels sweet [Lyrics]
172 I cannot breathe enough of Thee [Lyrics]
175 Fairest Lord Jesus! Ruler of all nature! [Lyrics]
177 Majestic sweetness sits enthroned [Lyrics]
179 Glory to Christ on high [Lyrics]
180 Jesus, our Lord, with what joy [Lyrics]
181 Tis the Church triumphant (2nd tune) [Lyrics]
183 Come, let us join our cheerful songs [Lyrics]
184 Come, let us sing the song of songs [Lyrics]
185 Blessed Lord, our hallelujahs [Lyrics]
186 Glory be to Him who loved us [Lyrics]
189 Thou art the Son beloved [Lyrics]
190 O Lord, as we consider Thee [Lyrics]
191 Lord, Thou art the "Seed of woman" [Lyrics]
192 We come, O Christ, to Thee [Lyrics]
193 Dear Lord, Thou art so much to us [Lyrics]
195 Lord, Thou art all the offerings [Lyrics]
197 How all-inclusive, Lord, Thou art [Lyrics]
199 Thou art the Rock everlasting [Lyrics]
200 Thou art the Sun of righteousness (1st tune) [Lyrics]
200 Thou art the Sun of righteousness (2nd tune) [Lyrics]
202 O Lord, Thou art the Alpha [Lyrics]
203 In the bosom of the Father [Lyrics]
204 Gathered in Thy name (Original) [Lyrics]
204 Gathered in Thy name (New tune) [Lyrics]
205 Jesus, Thou Joy of loving hearts [Lyrics]
206 O Christ, He is the fountain [Lyrics]
207 Lord Jesus! when we think of Thee [Lyrics]
208 O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord [Lyrics]
209 Jesus, the very thought of Thee [Lyrics]
210 I've found a friend in Jesus [Lyrics]
211 Jesus, my Savior! Thou art mine [Lyrics]
213 On that same night (Alt tune: 463) [Lyrics]
214 According to Thy...word (Alt tune: 104) [Lyrics]
215 Jesus, Lord, we know Thee present [Lyrics]
216 Around Thy table, holy Lord [Lyrics]
220 When on Thy table, Lord, we gaze [Lyrics]
221 Lord, we thank Thee for the table [Lyrics]
222 Dear Lord, we thank Thee for this bread [Lyrics]
223 On the table of Thy love [Lyrics]
224 As we're sharing of the cup [Lyrics]
225 Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face [Lyrics]
226 For the bread and for the wine [Lyrics]
227 Through the bread and cup, Lord Jesus [Lyrics]
228 Sweet feast of love divine [Lyrics]
233 O what a miracle, my Lord [Lyrics]
235 Praise Him! praise Him! [Lyrics]
239 Ten thousand thanks to Jesus [Lyrics]
241 Blessing and honor and glory be Thine [Lyrics]
242 The Spirit of God today [Lyrics]
243 God's Spirit is of Christ (Alt tune: 374) [Lyrics]
243 God's Spirit is of Christ (Alt tune: 943) [Lyrics]
244 The Holy Spirit is today [Lyrics]
245 Oh, spread the tidings 'round [Lyrics]
Fulness of the Spirit
251 Rivers of living water [Lyrics]
252 Thou Breath from still eternity (New tune) [Lyrics]
255 O Lord, breathe Thy Spirit on me [Lyrics]
256 Oh, blow upon us, Lord [Lyrics]
267 Fill me with Thy gracious Spirit [Lyrics]
268 How I praise Thee, precious Savior [Lyrics]
278 The Spirit of life is within us today [Lyrics]
279 First the blood, and then the ointment [Lyrics]
280 Lord, may Thy blood now cleanse me [Lyrics]
282 Lord of light, with light divine [Lyrics]
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
284 Loved with everlasting love [Lyrics]
284 Loved with everlasting love (New tune) [Lyrics]
285 Come and rejoice with me [Lyrics]
291 I am so glad that our Father in heav'n [Lyrics]
293 Cleansed in our Savior's precious blood [Lyrics]
295 God's Christ who is my Righteousness [Lyrics]
296 And can it be that I should gain [Lyrics]
298 My hope is built on nothing less [Lyrics]
299 A mind at perfect peace with God [Lyrics]
300 Arise, my soul arise [Lyrics]
301 Redeemed how I love to proclaim it [Lyrics]
302 I have a song I love to sing [Lyrics]
305 I will sing of my Redeemer [Lyrics]
308 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine [Lyrics]
309 What a wonderful change [Lyrics]
310 Once I was bound by sin's galling fetters [Lyrics]
311 Only a sinner saved by grace! [Lyrics]
312 Grace! 'tis a charming sound [Lyrics]
313 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound [Lyrics]
317 Dear Savior, Thou art mine [Lyrics]
319 Come, Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing [Lyrics]
321 Full salvation! Full salvation! [Lyrics]
321 Full salvation! Full salvation! (New tune) [Lyrics]
322 Many weary years I vainly sought [Lyrics]
324 Far away the noise of strife [Lyrics]
325 All my life long I had panted [Lyrics]
328 Complete in Thee! no work of mine [Lyrics]
331 Will your anchor hold in the storms of life [Lyrics]
333 I know not why God’s wondrous grace [Lyrics]
334 A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord [Lyrics]
339 How firm a foundation, ye saints [Lyrics]
341 When peace like a river [Lyrics]
342 Years I spent in vanity and pride [Lyrics]
348 Since Christ my soul from sin set free [Lyrics]
349 As pants the hart for cooling streams [Lyrics]
350 My goal is God Himself [Lyrics]
365 Jesus, Thy life is mine [Lyrics]
371 I need Thee ev'ry hour [Lyrics]
373 Nothing between, Lord, nothing between [Lyrics]
377 If the path I travel (New tune) [Lyrics]
378 Savior, lead me up the mountain [Lyrics]
381 Fill all my vision, Savior, I pray [Lyrics]
389 Lord Jesus, I long in Thy presence to live [Lyrics]
390 Savior, lead me, this I pray [Lyrics]
394 Unto him that hath Thou givest (New tune) [Lyrics]
395 O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me [Lyrics]
396 I'm pressing on the upward way [Lyrics]
398 O to be like Thee! blessed Redeemer [Lyrics]
403 Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me [Lyrics]
412 Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me [Lyrics]
415 There is a foe whose hidden pow’r [Lyrics]
426 Remove my covering, Lord [Lyrics]
431 Thy mighty love (Original tune) [Lyrics]
431 Thy mighty love (New tune) [Lyrics]
432 O Love, that wilt not let me go (New tune) [Lyrics]
433 I am the Lord's! O joy beyond expression [Lyrics]
434 Lord, Thou hast won, at length I yield [Lyrics]
434 Lord, Thou hast won (New tune) [Lyrics]
435 Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow [Lyrics]
437 Hast thou heard Him, seen Him (Original) [Lyrics]
437 Hast thou heard Him, seen Him (New tune) [Lyrics]
438 I've turned my back upon the world [Lyrics]
439 Utterly abandoned to the Holy Ghost [Lyrics]
441 All to Jesus I surrender [Lyrics]
442 Fully surrendered, Lord, I would be [Lyrics]
443 In full and glad surrender [Lyrics]
445 Take my life, and let it be [Lyrics]
449 Have Thine own way, Lord [Lyrics]
452 Tempt me not of earthly pleasures [Lyrics]
456 Living for Jesus a life that is true [Lyrics]
460 Jesus, I my cross have taken (First tune) [Lyrics]
463 I love, I love my Master [Lyrics]
469 Who is on the Lord's side? [Lyrics]
471 How can I ever stay away [Lyrics]
Union with Christ
473 No mortal tongue can e'er describe [Lyrics]
474 I am one with Thee, Lord Jesus [Lyrics]
475 One with Thee Thou Son eternal [Lyrics]
482 I am crucified with Christ [Lyrics]
483 Buried with Christ, and raised with Him [Lyrics]
Experience of Christ
489 Oh, Jesus, Lord, when Thou on earth [Lyrics]
490 Lord, when the Father ne'er was known [Lyrics]
491 Lord, Thou didst know when in the flesh [Lyrics]
492 In all thy work, O Lord [Lyrics]
493 O Lord, Thou are the Spirit now [Lyrics]
494 Christ is the testimony true [Lyrics]
495 Christ is God's centrality [Lyrics]
496 Christ is the one reality of all [Lyrics]
497 Grace in its highest definition is [Lyrics]
499 Oh, what a life! Oh, what a peace! [Lyrics]
500 Oh, what a might! Oh, what a strength! [Lyrics]
501 O glorious Christ, Savior mine [Lyrics]
503 I serve a risen Savior [Lyrics]
505 There's a Man in the glory [Lyrics]
507 Once far from God and dead in sin [Lyrics]
508 Made free! Made free! O captive! [Lyrics]
509 A flowing river and a tree [Lyrics]
510 I have found the One of peerless worth [Lyrics]
512 Jesus, Son and Shield art Thou [Lyrics]
512 Jesus, Son and Shield art Thou (New tune) [Lyrics]
513 Once it was the blessing [Lyrics]
513 Once it was the blessing (New tune) [Lyrics]
522 O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found [Lyrics]
523 I have come to the Fountain of Life [Lyrics]
530 Jesus is all the world to me [Lyrics]
532 Thou hidden source of calm repose (New tune) [Lyrics]
535 All things are possible to Him [Lyrics]
537 Christ to me is so subjective [Lyrics]
538 It is God's intent and pleasure [Lyrics]
539 O Lord, Thou art in me as life [Lyrics]
540 What release the Savior (Original tune) [Lyrics]
540 What release the Savior (Alt tune: 1324) [Lyrics]
541 Not the law of letters [Lyrics]
542 O the riches of my Savior [Lyrics]
544 Lord Jesus, I love Thee [Lyrics]
546 I love my Lord, but with no love of mine [Lyrics]
547 Something every heart is loving [Lyrics]
547 Something every heart is loving (New tune) [Lyrics]
548 Earthen vessel I was made [Lyrics]
549 Enter the veil and go without the camp [Lyrics]
551 I've believed the true report [Lyrics]
552 Marvel not the Christ in glory [Lyrics]
554 I come to His presence afresh [Lyrics]
556 Thy name is sweet as ointment poured forth [Lyrics]
559 Savior, I by faith am touching Thee [Lyrics]
564 I have learned the wondrous secret [Lyrics]
568 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus [Lyrics]
569 Simply trusting ev'ry day [Lyrics]
569 Simply trusting ev'ry day (New tune) [Lyrics]
575 I take Thy promise, Lord (Original tune) [Lyrics]
575 I take Thy promise, Lord (New tune) [Lyrics]
578 My will is weak, my strength is frail [Lyrics]
578 My will is weak, my strength is frail (New tune) [Lyrics]
579 Jesus! I am resting, resting [Lyrics]
582 When we walk with the Lord [Lyrics]
591 Not I, but Christ be honored, loved, exalted [Lyrics]
593 All I have in Adam is but sin and death [Lyrics]
594 Christ my very peace is [Lyrics]
595 There is always something over [Lyrics]
599 Lord, I was blind; I could not see (New tune) [Lyrics]
600 My God, my Portion, and my Love [Lyrics]
600 My God, my Portion (New tune) [Lyrics]
602 O how glorious, Oh how holy! [Lyrics]
608 What mystery, the Father, Son, and Spirit [Lyrics]
609 I praise Thee for Thy mystery [Lyrics]
611 God’s glorious substance Spirit is [Lyrics]
612 God intends that all His being [Lyrics]
614 Nearer my God, to Thee [Lyrics]
617 Thou sweet, beloved will of God [Lyrics]
Way of the Cross/The Resurrection Life
622 If we take up the cross [Lyrics]
626 Olives that have known no pressure [Lyrics]
631 If I'd know Christ's risen power [Lyrics]
639 Death cannot hold the resurrection life [Lyrics]
642 “Within the Veil”: be this, belov’d [Lyrics]
643 Take time to behold Him [Lyrics]
643 Take time to behold Him (New tune) [Lyrics]
645 O soul, are you weary and troubled [Lyrics]
Comfort in Trials
701 All the way my Savior leads me [Lyrics]
717 O let us rejoice in the Lord evermore [Lyrics]
719 Like a river glorious [Lyrics]
720 God hath not promised (New tune1) [Lyrics]
720 God hath not promised (New tune2) [Lyrics]
722 The cross that He gave may be heavy [Lyrics]
723 He giveth more grace [Lyrics]
723 He giveth more grace (New tune) [Lyrics]
The Inner Life
741 God ordained us unto sonship [Lyrics]
743 God created us His vessels [Lyrics]
744 In dealings with the Lord as life [Lyrics]
746 Lord, teach us to discern the spirit [Lyrics]
750 God's intention is to have us [Lyrics]
762 Prayer is the incense of a holy heart [Lyrics]
767 Teach us to pray that we may cause [Lyrics]
768 Lord, teach us how to use [Lyrics]
769 To the holiest place I'd come [Lyrics]
770 In the holiest place, touch the throne [Lyrics]
771 The veil is rent and opened is [Lyrics]
772 Lord, we meet to seek (Original) [Lyrics]
772 Lord, we meet to seek (Alt tune: 839) [Lyrics]
775 In the mighty name of Jesus [Lyrics]
776 "Ask in faith," the Name of Jesus [Lyrics]
777 Say to this mountain, "Go" [Lyrics]
778 Keep up the song of faith [Lyrics]
779 Pray with one accord in spirit [Lyrics]
780 Praying always in the spirit [Lyrics]
781 Exercise the spirit [Lyrics]
782 How mysterious, O Lord [Lyrics]
783 Pray to touch the throne (Alt tune: 769) [Lyrics]
784 Pray to fellowship with Jesus [Lyrics]
785 Praying to express the Lord [Lyrics]
786 Pray to labor with the Lord [Lyrics]
789 What a Friend we have in Jesus [Lyrics]
790 "Keep the incense burning" (Original tune) [Lyrics]
790 "Keep the incense burning" (Alt tune: 593) [Lyrics]
790 "Keep the incense burning" (Alt tune: 1278) [Lyrics]
791 The priest's position holy is [Lyrics]
792 Waiting on Thee, Lord, waiting on Thee [Lyrics]
794 Stir me, oh, stir me, Lord, I care not how [Lyrics]
795 Father, let Thy kingdom come [Lyrics]
797 Revive Thy work, O Lord! [Lyrics]
798 Revive Thy work, dear Lord! [Lyrics]
Study of the Word
799 All Scripture is the very breath of God [Lyrics]
799 All Scripture is the very (Alt tune: 549) [Lyrics]
811 My heart is hungry, my spirit doth thirst [Lyrics]
812 I come to Thee, dear Lord [Lyrics]
814 Man shall not live by bread alone [Lyrics]
816 God’s own Word must not be taken [Lyrics]
816 God’s own Word must not be (Alt tune: 538) [Lyrics]
817 We limit not the truth of God [Lyrics]
The Church
818 Christ is the mystery of God [Lyrics]
819 As the body is the fulness [Lyrics]
821 The Church the vessel is (Alt tune: 837) [Lyrics]
824 The Church is Christ's own Body [Lyrics]
832 Christ the Son of God and His redemptive [Lyrics]
831 The unity of Church [Lyrics]
831 The unity of Church (Alt tune: 910) [Lyrics]
833 The Church's one foundation [Lyrics]
837 We praise Thee, Lord, for Thy great plan [Lyrics]
838 Thy blueprint, Lord, I treasure dear [Lyrics]
838 Thy blueprint, Lord, I treasure (Alt tune: 814) [Lyrics]
839 Lord, Thou art a potter skilled [Lyrics]
840 Freed from self and Adam's nature [Lyrics]
841 Thou art all my life, Lord [Lyrics]
842 Breathe Thou, O Lord, on me [Lyrics]
845 Release my spirit! This is what I need [Lyrics]
846 Oh, may my spirit flow, Oh may it flow! [Lyrics]
847 I long for fellowship in spirit [Lyrics]
848 What a blessing, what a privilege! [Lyrics]
849 Holy priests are living stones [Lyrics]
851 How lovely is Thy dwelling place! [Lyrics]
852 Thy dwelling place, O Lord I love [Lyrics]
853 I love Thy kingdom, Lord [Lyrics]
858 All praise to our redeeming Lord [Lyrics]
861 God be with you till we meet again [Lyrics]
863 In daily walk and in our meetings too [Lyrics]
864 Whene'er we meet with Christ endued [Lyrics]
865 In spirit and in truth [Lyrics]
866 Exercise the spirit! [Lyrics]
867 As members of the Body [Lyrics]
Spiritual Warfare
870 Stand up! stand up for Jesus! [Lyrics]
871 Onward Christian soldiers! [Lyrics]
873 Charge, soldiers, charge in battle! [Lyrics]
876 When war is hot and fierce [Lyrics]
877 I dare not be defeated [Lyrics]
881 We rest on Thee, our Shield [Lyrics]
885 Fight the battle in the Body [Lyrics]
886 A mighty Fortress is our God [Lyrics]
887 The name of Jesus is our stand [Lyrics]
888 Soldiers of Christ, arise [Lyrics]
889 By the blood of Christ (Original) [Lyrics]
889 By the blood of Christ (Alt tune: 1324) [Lyrics]
890 Hallelujah! Christ is Victor [Lyrics]
891 O Lord, to conflict new [Lyrics]
892 With all the pow'r in heav'n and earth [Lyrics]
893 Conflict today is fierce [Lyrics]
894 Will you be an overcomer? [Lyrics]
896 Go labor on; spend, and be spent [Lyrics]
904 We have a most glorious King [Lyrics]
909 In the stream! in the stream! [Lyrics]
910 The overflow of life is work [Lyrics]
912 Christ to minister is service [Lyrics]
913 Serve and work within the Body (Original) [Lyrics]
913 Serve and work within the (Alt tune: 840) [Lyrics]
Preaching of the Gospel/Baptism
920 Sound ye the trumpet call [Lyrics]
921 Rescue the perishing [Lyrics]
925 Outreach of the glorious gospel [Lyrics]
936 In death's waters, I am buried [Lyrics]
938 Already dead! And buried too! [Lyrics]
The Kingdom
941 God’s kingdom is God’s reigning [Lyrics]
942 God's kingdom on the earth is now [Lyrics]
947 God's Kingdom today is a real exercise [Lyrics]
948 Myst'ry hid from ages now revealed [Lyrics]
949 Christ is the hope of glory [Lyrics]
Hope of Glory
956 Soon our Lord will come, the day is drawing nigh [Lyrics]
958 Since long ago at Bethany we parted [Lyrics]
959 Since Thy departure from Olivet's mountain [Lyrics]
960 My King will soon come back again [Lyrics]
962 Oh, how long before my Lord comes back [Lyrics]
Ultimate Manifestation
970 For the glorious revelation of the sons [Lyrics]
971 God's eternal purpose is to join with man [Lyrics]
972 Lo, the central thought of God [Lyrics]
976 O Lord Jesus, Thy redeemed ones [Lyrics]
977 Glorious things of thee are spoken [Lyrics]
979 How glorious, how bright it shines [Lyrics]
980 Throughout the whole of Holy Writ [Lyrics]
981 In His Christ to head up all things [Lyrics]
984 Rivers of living water [Lyrics]
986 Christ has a full redemption made [Lyrics]
1003 Why should I worry, doubt and fear? [Lyrics]
1004 Precious, precious blood of Jesus [Lyrics]
1006 There is a fountain filled with blood [Lyrics]
1007 Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing [Lyrics]
1008 What can wash away my sin? [Lyrics]
1009 Would you be free from your burden [Lyrics]
1010 O now I see the cleansing wave! [Lyrics]
1017 Christ has put on human nature [Lyrics]
1018 The whole world was lost in darkness [Lyrics]
1024 Christ the Savior is just the One you need [Lyrics]
1025 Give up the world, Christ to obtain [Lyrics]
1027 Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling [Lyrics]
1042 While we pray and while we plead [Lyrics]
1048 Just as I am (Original tune) [Lyrics]
1048 Just as I am (New tune) [Lyrics]
1050 Out of my bondage (New tune) [Lyrics]
1051 I hear Thy welcome voice [Lyrics]
1052 I've wandered far away from God [Lyrics]
1057 Jesus, lover of my soul [Lyrics]
1058 Rock of Ages, cleft for me [Lyrics]
1060 Thou didst leave Thy throne [Lyrics]
1066 Down at the cross [Lyrics]
1068 In tenderness He sought me [Lyrics]
1074 O what a mystery, the Savior [Lyrics]
1077 There were ninety and nine [Lyrics]
1079 If I gained the world, but lost the Savior [Lyrics]
1080 What profit all the labor here? [Lyrics]
Worship of the Father
1081 Father God, Thou art the source of life [Lyrics]
Praise of the Lord
1083 O how nigh the Lord is unto all who call [Lyrics]
1084 Thy name is as ointment poured [Lyrics]
1085 His Name is Wonderful [Lyrics]
1086 How we love the glorious name [Lyrics]
1087 Oh, hallelujah, what a death [Lyrics]
1089 Lamb of God so pure and spotless [Lyrics]
1090 Dear Lord, how precious is Thy blood [Lyrics]
1095 The Lord shall get the glory [Lyrics]
1096 Tis the local church proclaiming [Lyrics]
1097 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent Thy name [Lyrics]
1098 Our hearts are overflowing [Lyrics]
1100 God shall rise, His foes be scattered [Lyrics]
1103 What He is, He's the Father [Lyrics]
1104 Lord, Thou art our peace offering [Lyrics]
1105 Lo, the table spread before us [Lyrics]
1106 We gather together to eat the Lord's supper [Lyrics]
1107 We're gathered here, O Lord [Lyrics]
1108 Eat the bread, ye people of the Lord [Lyrics]
1109 Take, drink this cup, His blood [Lyrics]
1110 O Jesus Lord, when present at Thy table [Lyrics]
Fullness of the Spirit
1113 Now the Triune God has come [Lyrics]
1117 We praise Thee, O God, for the Spirit [Lyrics]
1119 In the Word of God I found it [Lyrics]
1122 “Seven Spirits” of our God [Lyrics]
Assurance and Joy of Salvation
1125 Down at the cross where my Savior died [Lyrics]
1127 God has saved me from the world [Lyrics]
1128 We were held in bondage, toiling [Lyrics]
1129 "So great a salvation," ye saints [Lyrics]
1130 Sing praise to Christ Who lives in us [Lyrics]
1131 In a low dungeon, hope we had none [Lyrics]
Longings/Union with Christ
1132 Lord, teach us how to pray [Lyrics]
1134 Oh, strengthen my spirit Lord Jesus [Lyrics]
1135 Oh, sanctify us, Lord [Lyrics]
1137 His countenance angels can often behold [Lyrics]
1138 Lord, Thou art our consecration [Lyrics]
1140 Our old man has been crucified [Lyrics]
Experience of Christ
1141 We will sing to the Lord with our spirit [Lyrics]
1142 Jesus is the living spirit [Lyrics]
1143 The tree of life, how sweet the fruit [Lyrics]
1144 In the Word of old, we are clearly told [Lyrics]
1145 God gave His Son to man to be [Lyrics]
1146 Let us eat Jesus every day [Lyrics]
1147 Christ is our manna true [Lyrics]
1148 "Come and dine," the Lord is calling [Lyrics]
1149 Of Him whence grace and truth did spring [Lyrics]
1150 We are feeding on the living bread [Lyrics]
1151 Drink! A river pure and clear [Lyrics]
1152 To Jesus every day we find our hearts [Lyrics]
1153 We have found the Christ who's all in all [Lyrics]
1154 I love Thee, Jesus [Lyrics]
1156 To the Lord we're a garden [Lyrics]
1157 His banner over me is love [Lyrics]
1158 Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus [Lyrics]
1159 Jesus Lord, I'm captured by Thy beauty [Lyrics]
1160 Jesus is our lovely Bridegroom [Lyrics]
1162 We've found the secret of living [Lyrics]
1163 He's the vine and we're the branches [Lyrics]
1164 Jesus, the all inclusive land [Lyrics]
1165 We're in the land, we're in the land [Lyrics]
1166 God has set the land before us [Lyrics]
1168 Laboring on Jesus, the good land [Lyrics]
1170 The Lord is my Shepherd forever [Lyrics]
1174 What a victory! What a triumph! [Lyrics]
1175 Power, exceeding great pow'r [Lyrics]
1178 We have seen Christ is reality [Lyrics]
1179 My old man has been crucified [Lyrics]
1180 My old person has been nullified [Lyrics]
1181 Lord, to know Thee as our Person [Lyrics]
1187 Your ministry, O Lord, how excellent [Lyrics]
Experience of God
1190 O Lord, You’ve called to us [Lyrics]
1191 From my spirit within flows a fountain [Lyrics]
1192 Chapter one of Genesis [Lyrics]
1193 Life is God the Father in Christ Jesus [Lyrics]
1194 There are two lives to live by [Lyrics]
1197 God is light, and in Him there is no [Lyrics]
1198 A mighty flowing out is God [Lyrics]
1199 God's intention in this universe [Lyrics]
1205 Press on, press on toward the goal [Lyrics]
1206 There's a race for us to run—Hallelujah [Lyrics]
1208 Years I spent in sorrow 'round the cross [Lyrics]
1210 Through God’s word, my hope at His returning [Lyrics]
1210 Through God’s word, my hope (New tune) [Lyrics]
1211 Given us, given us, God has given us [Lyrics]
1212 The Lord of all has shown His plan [Lyrics]
1213 If from your nat'ral man you would be free [Lyrics]
1214 Dig away, dig away, dig away [Lyrics]
1215 God has not giv'n us a spirit of fear [Lyrics]
1216 We have an inner life [Lyrics]
1217 Lord, we've heard the call, "Come forward" [Lyrics]
1218 If from the world you're longing to be free [Lyrics]
The Church
1220 Remove the veils, Lord, from my heart [Lyrics]
1221 Jesus, our wonderful Shepherd [Lyrics]
1222 Sing aloud your praises to the Lord [Lyrics]
1223 O walk about, walk about Zion [Lyrics]
1224 We from the law to Christ have turned [Lyrics]
1225 Lord, to know Thee as the Body [Lyrics]
1226 Oh the church of Christ is glorious [Lyrics]
1227 Our Lord, that One of peerless worth [Lyrics]
1229 The church is Christ's deep longing [Lyrics]
1230 One new man is the Father's plan [Lyrics]
1231 O praise the Lord, God has a plan [Lyrics]
1232 Once by nature, we were dead in sin [Lyrics]
1233 O home in the church [Lyrics]
1234 I thirsted in the barren land of Babylon [Lyrics]
1235 Oh, listen to the wanderer [Lyrics]